Designated DSL
Pat Dubas
Head Teacher
Deputy DSL
Louise Parkinson
Deputy Head Teacher
Deputy DSL
Jennifer Gibb
Click here to view all of our policies
We have a duty of care to pupils. Concerns about the welfare or safety of pupils will usually be discussed with parents/carers. Our first priority is the child’s welfare and therefore, there may be occasions when concerns about a child means that we have to consult other agencies before we contact the parent/carer.
When a safeguarding or child protection concern is reported to the safeguarding team a record of this concern is kept on file. These records are stored securely and confidentially with restricted access.
Parents and carers are almost always informed of any concerns arising, unless to do so would increase the risk of harm to the child or there is information to suggest that a criminal offence has been committed
In these instances, we will consult with Nottinghamshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in the first instance to seek advice. We will work with a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
When a child transfers to a new school, this information transfers as well, separate to academic information and confidentially.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any further information or have any safeguarding concerns:
Click here to view all of our policies
Phone: 0115 989 1915
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